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Frequently Asked

What do we talk about during the alignment call?

We get to know each other! I ask about what led to your interest in coaching, what goals you have in mind, and what style of coaching would work best for you. You are free to ask any questions you would like!

How do I decide which coaching package is right for me?

My recommendation is to decide how many specific goals you have in mind and how intensive each goal is. At the end of each package, you will always have the option of purchasing another. This is something that can be talked about in detail as well during the alignment call.

What if I want to try out coaching without a package commitment?

There is a one coaching call option for anyone wanting to experience a coaching call without the package commitment!

What do I have to do to get ready for coaching calls?

Coaching calls are more productive when clients come into the call with a specific goal as well as an idea of what they want to feel/change/work through by the end of the call.

How does the coaching process begin?

The process begins with a free alignment call to determine if coaching is a good fit for your needs. The first call together is to design a plan and structure for the length of the package. Each session will have a goal and a measure to ensure progress or provide time to change directions.