1 On 1 Coaching with Lindsey

Mind-Body Coaching

Start Experiencing More Daily Presence Today

1:1 Coaching

Coaching sessions are 45-60 minutes in length and can be video call, phone call, or in person if we live in the same area.

Mind-Body Elements

Each session is unique and defined by the client. There will always be the option of adding breathing techniques, grounding, visualization, meditation, and yoga movement in any session per client request.

Outdoor Coaching

Sometimes being in nature and/or movement can help bring so much clarity! Clients who prefer phone calls often enjoy sitting outside or going on a walk together simultaneously in our respective neighborhoods while coaching.

Yoga Incorporation

Syncing breath and movement can unite the mind and body in beautiful and unexpected ways. 10-15 minutes per coaching call can be designated to mindful yoga integration. The client decides whether to integrate movement at the beginning, in the middle, or toward the end of the call.

Helping You Reduce Overthinking With Personalized Coaching

Feel Like It’s Time to Try Something Different, But Can’t Figure Out Where to Start?

Coaching is designed to meet you where you are in your healing journey! Coaching packages can focus on one specific goal, various goal categories such as mind/body/spirit, or separated by several dimensions of wellness such as physical, social, employment, and financial. Let’s truly figure out what works best for you in your unique life experience. Isn’t trying something new the best way to achieve a new outcome?  

What Is Mind-Body Coaching?

How is mind-body coaching defined?

There is no formal definition of mind-body coaching because it is such a broad term that it often means something different for different people. As an overview, mind-body coaching can be explained as a focus on the interconnectivity between physical and mental well-being. The goal is to discover harmony between thoughts, feelings, and physical states. 

What benefits could mind-body connection bring to my life?

Research is now explaining that our bodies typically feel sensation even before our brains receive messages about what we are feeling and assign meaning. Connecting with both mind and body will ideally lead to more clarity, less daily incongruence, and more confidence in connecting with our life purpose.

How do I know if coaching is working?

During the initial coaching call, we clearly work together to define what your baseline functioning is and where you would like to be at the end of our time together. We develop a measure and revisit this measure each call. You can be as specific as you would like with your data gathering. I am here to support in asking the right questions!

What if I want to try out different coaching elements?

Lindsey enters every call with an open mind and a variety of skills that can be implemented at any time. You will always be provided informed consent and we will have a full discussion of skills before incorporation. Then you decide with full awareness what new tools to add to your tool box!

How Do I know If Coaching is Right For Me?

Are you highly self-motivated with strong insight and connection to your life goals? Are you aware of mind-body connection elements and want to understand more in relation to your own life? Let’s schedule a phone call to see if coaching would be a fit.

How is coaching defined?

The International Coaching Federation defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership”.

What is coaching versus therapy?

Coaching is truly a solution-focused, goal-oriented partnership. The client enters coaching calls with a topic and desired outcome of each call. There are no diagnoses, progress notes, or treatment plans.

Therapy is symptom and life impairment focused. A mental health diagnosis is always needed, progress notes detail symptom presentation, and the therapist typically guides the session. The therapist also typically offers a great deal of psychoeducation and recommends coping skills to reduce symptom intensity, severity, and duration.

Do coaches give advice?

Quality coaches do not give advice. Coaches may offer an opinion or insight if it is of client interest, but advice giving really falls under the professional consultation scope of practice. The goal of coaching is to ask the who, what, where, why questions that help people create new awareness and inner connection to their goals. Telling someone what to do is much less empowering than supporting someone is determining what the best course of action is for them. 

Will I receive resources or homework tasks?

This is YOUR coaching journey!! Each call ends with discussion of actions, planning and accountability. You determine what your task/homework assignment will be between coaching calls. Lindsey will always be happy to provide additional (non-required) resources, tools, articles, links, etc. of interest that may be in alignment with your goals. 

How do I know if coaching is working?

During our first call together, we talk through all the details of what you hope to accomplish throughout your coaching journey. We try to create as clear of a measurement as possible to distinguish between where you are now and where you want to be. At the beginning and end of each call, there will be space to discuss what shifted, what is needed, any obstacles in the way, etc. Ideally, you see yourself gaining and celebrating wins throughout the process!

How It Works

Schedule a Free 1:1

A quick 20-30 minute phone call gives us a chance to get to know one another! I ask questions about what led you to coaching and how you functioning best. You are welcome to ask all the questions you have in mind  and talk about what specific coaching elements feel right for you.   Then you decide whether to book a package and begin working together.


Choose a Coaching Plan

You decide whether you want to work together for one call or 18 calls. Then we map out a plan based on your vision. Do you want to split up goals by mind, body, and soul domains, 3 months on each? Or is there one major goal to build on each session? Are calls half coaching and half yoga movement? Do you want to meet weekly, biweekly, or monthly? 

Track Your Success

 At the end of each call, a clear goal or intention is established. We often begin the next coaching call with celebration of wins, reflection of what changes occurred between sessions, and what would be productive moving forward. Some clients choose to track progress through rating emotions and others track the number of specific tasks completed. It’s up to you how to track your success, but the coaching space will absolutely support awareness in discovering what is and is not working. 

My Approach

Coaching is a strength-based, goal-focused process of connecting with inner motivation and realizing areas of fulfillment and growth outside of just material productivity. When we create a true space of internal, physical, spiritual, and emotional exploration coupled with self-awareness, messages from the mind and body are able to sync and lead to greater success. 

My coaching style is warm, empathic, and open-minded with mind-body oriented questions and intuitive connection to spark new awareness. I often used breathing techniques, grounding strategies, and yoga oriented movement during coaching when clients are interested. My hope is that clients leave coaching sessions with feelings of clarity, awareness, motivation and connection.

6 Session Coaching Package

This package is often perfect for clients with one specific, measurable goal in mind. Sessions can be scheduled weekly, biweekly, or monthly. This will give us enough time to talk through the goal, desired outcome, obstacles in the way, evaluate progress, and ongoing future goals.


12 Session Coaching Package

This package often works great for goals that involve several anticipatory steps or are somatic in focus. It’s ideal to have a bit more time to truly determine how the body is responding in various settings and what messages are being received. Sessions can be scheduled weekly, biweekly, and monthly. 


18 Session Coaching Package

This package is perfect for clients who want to work through several goals. Sometimes goals are all loosely intertwined. Sometimes clients choose to separate sessions such as 3 months on mind, 3 months on body, and 3 months on soul growth. This strategy is perfect for tending to the whole person. Sessions can be scheduled weekly, biweekly, and monthly.


Are you ready to coach together?