Lindsey Provencher

Mind-Body Coach and Clinical Yoga Practitioner

Helping overthinkers get out of their heads and into their day-to-day lives

Hi, I’m Lindsey! I hope to support you in connecting with the conscious presence you’ve been seeking. Want to try out mind-body coaching?

My Story

About 4 years ago, I discovered myself feeling disconnected, anxious and stuck. I had just had my first child at the height of a global pandemic and hadn’t felt truly connected to my body or my community in at least two years. In my journey to rediscover physical, mental, emotional, and career re-connection, I discovered clinical yoga. I embarked upon a 10 month journey and I had NO IDEA what I was in for. From anatomy to Ayurveda, breath work to emotional storage centers in the body…it was a wild ride. I was captivated and couldn’t get enough. 

I put into practice the skills I had been taught, created new life routines, began using yoga, breath work, and somatic practices in my clinical therapy work, and I started to feel more complete. I felt centered. My mind wasn’t racing all the time. My body sent me messages I could finally understand. And I discovered the tools to reconnect with myself:  physicality, mentally, and spiritually.

I am now on a new journey, continuing to grow internally (of course) but also creating a welcoming  environment through coaching to support other people in discovering their own self-growth experiences. 

My Credentials

Certified Holistic Coach

California Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC9140)

Clinical Yoga Practitioner 500 & Registered Yoga Teacher 200

Certified Perinatal Mental Health Professional (PMH-C)

My Approach

Coaching is a strength-based, goal-focused process of connecting with inner motivation and achieving deeper levels of fulfillment. When connected with  mind-body awareness, more messages can be received from you yourself rather than environmental influences or the “should’s” that we all hear in our minds. What do you actually want when given the space to truly be authentically honest? How do you function best when you have the opportunity to reassess and pave a new path?

My coaching style is warm, empathic, and open-minded with mind-body oriented questions and intuitive connection to spark new awareness. I often use breathing techniques, grounding strategies, and yoga-oriented movement during coaching when clients are interested. My hope is that clients leave coaching sessions with feelings of clarity, awareness, and connection.

Ready to schedule an alignment call?