I’m Lindsey provencher

Mind-Body Coach and Clinical Yoga Practitioner 

Are you an overthinker looking for more presence in daily experiences?    

Mind-Body Coaching

No matter where we are, our bodies are with us, sending messages. What if we were able to capture these messages and learn from them?

Coaching with Movement

Sometimes our minds and bodies process best when we’re in movement. Have you tried walking or stretching while connecting with goals?

1:1 Coaching

Coaching sessions are 45-60 minutes in length and can be video call, phone call, or in person if we live in the same area.

Mind-Body Elements

Each call is unique and defined by the client. There will always be the option of adding breathing techniques, grounding, visualization, meditation, and yoga movement in any session per client request.

Coaching Outdoors

Sometimes being in nature and/or movement can help bring so much clarity! Clients who prefer phone calls often enjoy sitting outside or going on a walk together simultaneously in our respective neighborhoods while coaching.

Incorporating Yoga

Syncing breath and movement can unite the mind and body in beautiful and unexpected ways. 10-15 minutes per coaching call can be designated to mindful yoga integration. The client decides whether to integrate movement at the beginning, in the middle, or toward the end of the call.

What Is Mind-Body Coaching?

Mind-body coaching involves asking questions about how the body responds in various situations, where emotions may be stored physically, how an energy shift changed the conversation, and how thoughts and actions are intertwined. Part of coaching sessions can include a few minutes of grounding, calming, visualization, specific breathing techinques and/or yoga movement if requested by clients.

What are Coaching Calls Like?

There is true partnership energy during coaching calls. Clients come into the call with a goal/objective/thought they would like to work through more deeply to gain clarity, action steps, emotional shift, etc. Coaching identifies client strengths, underlying intuition, motivation behind goals, and obstacles that may be in the way of task accomplishment. An action plan is developed at the end of each call.

Is there any supporting research on mind-body connection?

Yes! There are too many articles to choose from that show the benefits of mindfulness, meditation, yoga, breathwork, walking, stretching, etc. on improved life functioning. To the right are a few links with articles I found of interest. Feel free to do your own research as well! There is always so much to learn and explore.

1. Where is emotion felt in the body?

Here is a link with a detailed journal article body mapping and explaining several research studies measuring emotion and physical connection. Body locations that were storing emotions discovered in this study include the heart, skin, face/head, respiratory system, and gut. 



2. Are there any benefits to yoga incorporation?

The research study below found that one 20 minute yoga session per day reduced fatigue and pain levels in a group who was formally diagnosed with chonic fatigue syndrome.


3. Is there a neurological connection?

This article below explains new research studies from 2023 that have discovered brain motor circuits are composed of executive and cognitive functioning as well as control of basic body processes. This realization shows that “body and mind, perception and action, are closely woven together”.


4. Are there specific groups of people who benefit more from mind-body approaches according to research?

The below research article details several different research studies based on age, race, gender, and socioeconomic status to see if mind-body approaches vary in benefit for different groups of people. The overall conclusion was that mind body approaches “found evidence for the efficacy” of improvement in mental and physical health, life functioning, self-care, and overall quality of life.


Coaching Packages

1 Coaching Call

If you have never tried coaching before and are hesitant to commit, one coaching call could be the perfect starting point. Some clients also like the option of booking one follow-up call months after completing a package as an accountability check in as needed. This is your journey and can look different at various stages of growth.


6 Session Coaching Package

This package is often perfect for clients with one specific, measurable goal in mind. Sessions can be scheduled weekly, biweekly, or monthly. This will give us enough time to talk through the goal, desired outcome, obstacles in the way, evaluate progress, and ongoing future goals.


12 Session Coaching Package

This package often works great for goals that involve several anticipatory steps or are mind-body focused. It’s ideal to have a bit more time to truly determine how the body is responding in various settings and what messages are being received. Sessions can be scheduled weekly, biweekly, and monthly.


About Me

I am a natural overthinker, analytical mind, who thinks of all possible outcomes before making a decision. Over time, I realized a life pattern. I would become stuck in the details and overwhelmed with too much information. I was highly successful academically and in the workforce, but my personal life and day-to-day interactions were distracted. I never felt like I could be fully in one place. My mind was thinking of the next task, the next goal, the next method of productivity.

Through my personal work with intentional presence, yoga, mindfulness, and coaching, I was able to realize more decisiveness, confidence in my deepest/truest life goals, and overall life balance. I am now on a journey to use my skills and personal experience to support others in realizing their deepest levels of personal fulfillment.



“I turned to Lindsey to help me manage physical pain and emotional upheaval. Lindsey’s non-traditional coaching, combining somatic tools with thought-provoking questions helped me immensely. Not only did the pain subside over our 6 sessions, but the emotional tension released. Within weeks a new energy and aliveness emerged in me and the tools she taught me remain a useful support to this day. I recommend Lindsey wholeheartedly to anyone looking for holistic approaches to wellness.”

                                                                                      T.J. Toronto, Canada

“Over the years, I have worked with many life coaches, so when I enter into a relationship with a new life coach I sometimes feel like there isn’t much more for me to learn, until I started walk and talk coaching with Lindsey. Lindsey would call me at the beginning of our session, and we would actually head out the door at the same time, and then have our coaching session as we were both walking. I think the endorphins from the exercise coupled with Lindsey’s compassion and unmatched skill of asking the right questions really resonated with me because at the end of every session with her I felt a sense of calm and tranquility. My goal with Lindsey was to curb my extreme fear of doctors and medical tests because years back, I was diagnosed with a lifelong and incurable illness that requires lots of blood tests and doctor visits. Lindsey helped me to better face my fears, and approach my situation from a place of clarity, calmness and strength.”

                                                                                           C.T.   Boston, USA 

Are you ready to coach together?